MSE 206: Mechanics for MatSE
Scope: Statics and mechanics of materials concepts pertinent to the fields of materials science and engineering: force resultants; stresses and strains produced in elastic bodies; microscopic effects of different loading states (tension, compression, torsion, and bending) on deformable bodies; beam stresses and deflections; three-dimensional stresses and strains.
MSE 440: Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Scope: This course provides an advanced treatment of mechanical behavior of materials, drawing from solid mechanics, defects theory, thermodynamic and kinetic principles. Fundamentals of elastic, viscoelastic and plastic deformation are reviewed to provide a basis for more advanced topics including creep, fracture and fatigue. These deformation mechanisms are connected with underlying microstructural features, loading conditions and service conditions in the context of engineering design.
Prof. Krogstad loves outreach! In addition to a myriad of smaller events throughout the year, she also coordinates the Gender Equity in Materials, GEMS, (formerly Girls Learning About Materials, GLAM) camp each summer for 10-12th grader. For more information about the camp activities check out our dedicated website: gems.matse.illinois.edu and for details about registration you can visit the UIUC Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering (WYSE) Camps website: wyse.engineering.illinois.edu/summer-camps