Sean Murray, senior in MatSE, took third place in the Materials Advantage Student speaking contest at MS&T ’15. Sean’s presentation was entitled: “Post-Fabrication Strengthening of Nickel-Based Sheet Alloys.”
Dr. Sinter Spark Plasma Sintering Unit has arrived!
The SMEE group has received a new piece of processing equipment: a Fuji SPS-615 Dr. Sinter Lab spark plasma sintering unit. Spark plasma sintering (SPS), also referred to as field assisted sintering technique (FAST) or current assisted densification (CAD), is a relatively nascent processing technique, which combines isostatic pressure with large currents capable of producing […]
February 2015
Our article on in situ XRD characterization of thermal barrier coatings has been highlighted on the Journal of the American Ceramics Society’s website this month! The lab is also coming along nicely with new benches installed and furnaces in place!