We’re excited for the upcoming graduate visit weekends for MatSE @ Illinois. The Krogstad group will be looking for new students next fall on a variety of potential projects, but especially to join our effort to understand intrinsic toughening mechanisms in polycrystalline ceramics (Deformation mechanisms in high performance ceramics)
Lab updates
Opportunities for new graduate students
We are currently looking for a couple of new graduate students to take on one of several new projects in the group, all of which are connected to carbon neutral energy applications or sustainable manufacturing. Specifically, we have openings available for the following projects: Diffusion in large thermal gradients for nuclear power applications — you […]
New doctors!
Congratulations to all of the newly hooded PhDs, including our own Dr. Megan Emigh who was hooded in the Graduate College ceremony this past weekend. Dr. Emigh is the first PhD from the Krogstad group. Best wishes to her as she moves on from Illinois. Congratulations is also in order for Chris Montgomery (Sottos group) […]
Welcome new group members!
The Krogstad Research group is welcoming several new graduate students this fall. Nate Olson will be working on YSZ aerogels for thermal protection systems through a NASA NSTRF Fellowship. Francisco Andrade Chavez will be working on an NSF funded collaboration with Prof. Huseyin Sehitoglu in MechSE on controlled growth of nanotwins for systematic investigation of […]
AJA system online
We spent the day today calibrating our new AJA magnetron sputtering system. Here were are conditioning a new Cr target.
New AJA sputtering system has arrived!
Our new customized AJA DC magnetron sputtering instrument was safely moved into place in our lab (166MRL) today. Once operational, this system will be a huge step forward in controlling thin film chemistry, microstructure and functionality for complex metallic thin films.